
View the Project on GitHub DecisionsDev/decisions-metering

Enabling metering in custom Java SE rule applications

You use the res-setup Ant task to configure each artifact for which you want to enable metering.

About this task

You enable the metering feature in a Java SE environment as described below. The metering parameters are described in Setting up Decision Server to integrate with the metering services.


  1. Run the following command to generate a ra.xml file with the metering feature enabled:

       cd <odm_install_dir>/executionserver/bin
       <odm_install_dir>/shared/tools/ant/bin/ant -f ressetup.xml -Dxu.config.out=<my_output_dir>/ra-out.xml -Dmetering.enable=true -Dmetering.server.url=http://<odmmeteringservicehost>:<odmmeteringserviceport> -Dmetering.api.key=<irrelevant,putanything> -Dmetering.instance.identifier=<meteringclientID> -Dmetering.send.usages=true setup-metering

    The ra-out.xml file is generated, and the metering feature is enabled, for example:


If you are embedding or packaging Java™ rule sessions in a web container, you must package the generated ra.xml file as described in Packaging Java rule sessions for Java SE.

  1. Optional: When more than one Decision Server instance connects to the metering service, in particular in the case of a cluster, each instance must be uniquely identified by using the attributes and metering.instance.identifier.
  2. Restart the application server.


The Decision Server data is now sent to your metering service.

Back to Setting up Decision Server to integrate with the metering services

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