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IBM Decisons usage metering service with IBM Automation Decision Services


The usage metering service receives metering information from Automation Decision Services, and aggregates it to produce license files. The service application runs as an embedded HTTP server that receives and processes HTTP requests. These HTTP requests are emitted by metering components that can be configured in Automation Decision Services.

The usage metering service aggregates reported usage periodically in the license files that are stored in a directory. The files show IBM Automation Decision Services as a software name, refer to a specific decision client application instance, and contain the MONTHLY_API_CALL metric that corresponds to the number of successful decision service executions.

The usage metering service uses a single-file, disk-based database engine to ensure that the service can be stopped and restarted without losing data.


Make sure that you have everything you need:

For compiling

For using

Note: *You can retrieve the ILMT jar file from the download service for Automation Decision Services (/download/)*

Compiling the usage metering service

To compile the usage metering service:

  1. Define an environment variable named ILMT_JAR_PATH that contains the path to the ILMT jar file (license_metric_logger_2.1.1.201507131115.jar) in the file system.

  2. In the directory that contains the pom.xml file, run one of the following commands:

mvn clean install -PADS


mvn clean install -PADS -DskipTests to avoid running the unit tests

Note: You can dynamically pass the location of the ILMT jar file in the compilation command line:

mvn clean install -Dilmt.jar.file.path=<*ILMT jar file path*>

The stand-alone service metering-service-ADS.jar is produced in the service/target directory.

Running the usage metering service

Use the following command to start the usage metering service without any customization:

java -jar metering-service-ADS.jar

To customize settings when you start the usage metering service, set the parameters by using a prefix.

For example:

java -jar metering-service-ADS.jar --parameterName=parameterValue

To start the usage metering service on port 9090 and set the log level to DEBUG, for example, use the following command:

java -jar metering-service-ADS.jar --server.port=9090

The following parameters are available:

Name Default value Description
server.port 8888 The HTTP port on which the usage metering service operates. You might have to change it to avoid a conflict.
server.servlet.context-path / The context root at which the usage metering service operates. INFO The log level that is used by the application. Possible values include ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, and TRACE. ./ILMT_files The directory where the license files are stored. It must be either a relative path (starting with “./” or “../”) or an absolute path (starting with “/”). It must correspond to a directory that is declared in ILMT so that the directory is scanned. Do not use a temporary location. 60000 The rate in milliseconds when the usage is processed and written to the license files. 60000 The delay in milliseconds before the first processing occurs after the usage metering service is started. ./ The file path of the database used by the usage metering service internally. Do not use a temporary location. decision The username of the database that is used by the usage metering service internally. decision_metering The password of the database that is used by the usage metering service internally.

Enabling HTTPS in the usage metering service

Add the following parameters when you run the usage metering service:

Name Example value Description
server.ssl.key-store classpath:keystore.p12 Store the keystore that contains the SSL certificate in the class path.
server.ssl.key-store-password password The password that is used to access the keystore.
server.ssl.key-store-type pkcs12 The type of the keystore (JKS or PKCS12).
server.ssl.key-alias tomcat The alias that identifies the key in the keystore.
server.ssl.key-password password The password that is used to access the key in the keystore.

To start the usage metering service on HTTPS, for example, use the following command:

java -jar metering-service-ADS.jar --server.port=8443 --server.ssl.key-store-password=password --server.ssl.key-store-type=pkcs12 --server.ssl.key-alias=tomcat --server.ssl.key-password=password

Configuring clients

A swidtag file needs to be placed at the root of the classpath of the client application. To download this file, use the download service for Automation Decision Services (/download/).

For more information about the client application setup, see the IBM Automation Decision Services product documentation.